Data & AI Solutions

As part of research & development partnership and in collaboration with Repsol SA, we have developed geomechanics, hydraulic
fracture modeling, and advanced geomodeling workflows.

With Support from Microsoft Azure, we have developed Bluegridz, a Unified Data Insights Platform. It provides a single collaborative workspace for your entire asset team to manage, visualize, and analyse data, processes, and workflows.

With support from AWS, we are implementing Edge Computing for real time scenarios in the energy sector - notably remote sites that generate large quantities of data but have connectivity and data transmission issues.

With the joint effort of databricks we are able to provide a smooth flow of ingestion, processing and scheduling of the vast data. Their end-to-end data engineering solutions simplify the data architecture by unifying the data, analytics and AI workloads on one common platform.

Petrabytes has converted existing Upstream and Midstream Schemas into Snowflake Schemas and created an Energy Data Cloud powered by Snowflake. Using the Snowpark architecture, we ingest energy datasets from different assets across upstream, midstream & clean energy sources into Snowflake Energy Data Cloud. Real Time data from sensors & industrial assets are also ingested into Snowflake Energy Data Cloud. Petrabytes also provides a query mechanism & fast contextual visualization by connecting to a single or multiple Snowflake instances across enterprises.

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